mean information content on the symmetry along 3rd principal component covariance matrix weighted by MPEOE charge of the molecule atomic coordinates
eigenvalue ratio of 1st direction WHIM size descriptor and sum of directional WHIM size descriptors weighted by polarizability
The inverse of the kurtosis calculated by the fourth order moment of 1st principal component described by MPEOE charge
eigenvalue ratio of 2nd direction WHIM size descriptor and sum of directional WHIM size descriptors weighted by polarizability
the inverse of the kurtosis calculated by the fourth order moment of 2nd principal component described by MPEOE charge
the inverse of the kurtosis calculated by the fourth order moment of 3rd principal component described by MPEOE charge
The total density of the atoms accounted for by directional WHIM density mass descriptors within a molecule
eigenvalue ratio of 3rd direction WHIM size descriptor and sum of directional WHIM size descriptors weighted by mass
1st eigenvalue of the covariance matrix weighted by MPEOE charge of the molecule atomic coordinates, which account for the molecular size
mean information content on the symmetry along 1st principal component covariance matrix weighted by mass of the molecule atomic coordinates