I’m wondering which of the following to RS gold do when I have the money. While I get the money what should I do? Keep My Dragon armour and Bandos Godsword and Purchase a Santa Hat. Sell my Bandos Godsword and Purchase a Dragon Full Helm. (I’d still have a whip and dragon square.) Sell my Bandos Godsword and purchase Bandos Plate, Bandos Tassets along with also a DragonFire Shield. (I would still have a whip) Only prob is idk what to train on. These r my goals. I have always had pking accounts, my main dragonmyth is turning into a 70 defence pker and I have had mulitple 1-10 defence pures, and even a initate pure, I was just wondering whether Rune pures and range/mage tanks continue to be pretty decent, I would perfer it if it came from somebody who has one im guessing I might get there stats to whether I needed. Then slowly get up prayer to 52 and maximum attack and strength, I really do understand how to train and build accounts such as this I was wondering if any of them are adequate anymore and which is better. Hand In The Sand (amass your 84 buckets of sand every day and may market all 84 buckets on GE to get 2k). Nature Spirit. One Small Favor (while this is long, the keyring is useful).Druidic Ritual. Jungle Potion. Shilo Village (for access to 100+ battle slayer master and stone mines)
Family Crest (Avan portion for access to Hellhounds), Lost Tribe, Recruitment Drive Wanted! Wolf’s Whistle. Dragon Longsword. – Your better off with a DDS and their cheaper/ Dragon Boots (For when I get 60 Defence) Glory Amulet maybe. – only price like 30k now. A great deal of things and stuff to help with my skills. – Quest help first. Rune Halberd. – Hold off with this unless you plan on fighting black drags after you get a part of RFD previously completed or will combat werewolves (drops ai not great )
And, after a very long period of time, Runecrafting Skill Cape (If I ever do achieve it). – Going to be difficult. The quest record in probably the Simplest order: Druidic Ritual, Wolf’s Whistle, Priest in Peri, Creature of Fenkenstrain, Lost City, Nature Spirit, In Search of the Myreque, In Aid of the Myreque, Jungle Potion, Lost Tribe. Fairy Tale Part 1, Fairy Tale Part two (at least up to Fairy Rings). Shilo Village (for use of 100+ combat slayer master and gem mines). Hand In The Sand (amass your 84 buckets of sand every day and may market all 84 buckets on GE to get 2k). One Small Favor (while this is long, the keyring is useful) Waterfall Quest (accessibility to Fire Giants), These aren’t really necessary but are helpful: Recruitment Drive Wanted! Family Crest (Avan portion for accessibility to Hellhounds) Recipe for Disaster (Sir Amik Varze component for access to Blk Drags with safe spots)
Right turn in your Protect from Melee. And keep yourself on conduct all the time. Drink anti-poison once you are poisoned and beverage energy potion whenever you are running out of energy. When you reach the claw traps only use your board on them. Then just run all the way towards the end of the tunnel until you find three gnomes. Converse to this mage gnome, Zooknock. He’ll inform you that you have to OSRS Gold For Sale get these items: Gold pub, something to do Monkey Speech, a Monkey amulet mould, Monkey stays and a Monkey Talisman. Utilize the Gold Bar, Monkey Denture and Amulet Mould with Zooknock and then he provides a”Enchanted Bar” and fighter amulet mould.
smart chen created the group
I'm wondering which of the following to do 4 years, 4 months ago