A lot of folks’ll probably get bored of how long it takes to lvl, along w/out havin a lot of the easier portions of the later versions of WoW and quit. Many things like: levelin ranges for wow classic gold each questin place, LFG/LFR queues, Guild Banks, etc; it’ll become a job for them and it’ll die out for many people quickly. Even moreso w/how slow it takes to lvl as well as only 1 add on a basic pull while lvl’in can get you killed w/a massively long run back dependin on where you died. PvP servers may have it worse, as there’s no GYs in enemy locations.
Pre-BC etiquette are also a problem, because so many people have been babied by expansions they’re not goin to fully comprehend and/or care about server standing and buy wow classic gold what’s actually acceptable on a far smaller version of WoW Classic. There is real accountability when a host is a lot smaller and then cut down even more by faction. Word spreads fast, like a little community/town from the actual world and it is going to make people mad when their anonymity won’t protect them . Accountability may easily kill the flavor for several immature/bad players, quickly.
Actually bein bad at WoW Classic can disperse fast, instead of a few pseudo-lvl from a website/mod that doesn’t tell the whole story: there is a lot of top tier players that get stuck w/bad PUGs that fall apart continuously and it moves on their score, which deters score seekers out of invitin them to groups (BFA); this will lock actual bad players onto a black list for Raids/Instances/Trading/PvP/etc. The only way out would be to either server transfer and/or change your Character’s name, although not tellin people your Alt’s titles and havin that your Blizzard ID/RL ID, since word may still spread through that.
rsgoldfastshop created the group
levelin ranges for wow classic gold 5 years, 11 months ago