Ames test
Ames test is a simple method to test mutagenicity of a compound, which is suggested by Dr. Ames. It uses several strains of the bacterium Salmonella typhimurium that carry mutations in genes involved in histidine synthesis, so that they require histidine for growth. The variable being tested is the mutagen’s ability to cause a reversion to growth on a histidine-free medium. [Bruce N. Ames, E. G. Gurney, James A. Miller, and H. Bartsch (1973). “Carcinogens as Frameshift Mutagens: Metabolites and Derivatives of 2-acetylaminofluorene and other Aromatic Amine Carcinogens”. PNAS 69: 3128-213] [ Ames,B.N. et al. PNAS. 1972, 69, 3128. ]
PreADMET predicts toxicity to TA98, TA100 and TA1535 which are often used in Ames test. And the result can be calculated both with consideration of metabolite (Metabolic activation by rat liver 10% homogenate, +S9) and without consideration of metabolite. (No metabolic activation, -S9) The actual value of the prediction result is “positive” or “negative”.
Type |
NTP Definition | Description |
negative |
no change of population (vs. blank plate) |
negative prediction |
positive | change of population, more than double of blank plate’s change |
positive prediction |