Prof. Sung Kwang Lee

Prof. Sung Kwang Lee received his Ph.D in Analytical Chemistry from Yonsei University in 2000 and did work as visting scientist at Chemistry Computer Center, Univ. of Erlangen-Nurnberg in Germany (Prof. Gasteiger group). He managed this project to develope the PreADMET program as project head and is presently a Professor of Hannam University and co-researcher in BMDRC. His research interests…


Prof. Kyoung Tai No

Prof. Kyoung Tai No: He is Director of BMDRC (Bioinformatics & Molecular Design Research Center) and is currently a science leader of the computational chemistry for molecular design and chem- & bioinformatics. He established the BMDRC in 1997 and he introduced the structure based drug design for drug discovery in Korea.