Odd_even_index Odd-even index January 9, 2015Leave a comment2D Descriptors, 2D Topological Descriptors, Molecular DescriptorsBy Young-Mook Kang, PhD
Platt_number The sum over all elements of the edge adjacency matrix January 9, 2015Leave a comment2D Descriptors, 2D Topological Descriptors, Molecular DescriptorsBy Young-Mook Kang, PhD
Pogliani_index Pogliani index January 9, 2015Leave a comment2D Descriptors, 2D Topological Descriptors, Molecular DescriptorsBy Young-Mook Kang, PhD
Quadratic_index Quadratic index January 9, 2015Leave a comment2D Descriptors, 2D Topological Descriptors, Molecular DescriptorsBy Young-Mook Kang, PhD
Ramification_index The sum runs over all the vertex degrees greater than two January 9, 2015Leave a comment2D Descriptors, 2D Topological Descriptors, Molecular DescriptorsBy Young-Mook Kang, PhD
Ring_degree_distance_index Ring degree-distance index January 9, 2015Leave a comment2D Descriptors, 2D Topological Descriptors, Molecular DescriptorsBy Young-Mook Kang, PhD
Harary_index The sum of the reciprocal distances between any two atoms in the molecule January 9, 2015Leave a comment2D Descriptors, 2D Topological Descriptors, Molecular DescriptorsBy Young-Mook Kang, PhD
Rouvray_index The total sum of the elements of the distance matrix January 9, 2015Leave a comment2D Descriptors, 2D Topological Descriptors, Molecular DescriptorsBy Young-Mook Kang, PhD
Hyper_Wiener_index 2D hyper-Wiener index January 9, 2015Leave a comment2D Descriptors, 2D Topological Descriptors, Molecular DescriptorsBy Young-Mook Kang, PhD
Superpendentic_index Superpendentic index January 9, 2015Leave a comment2D Descriptors, 2D Topological Descriptors, Molecular DescriptorsBy Young-Mook Kang, PhD